FEEDBACK from Parents Feedback Form for Parents Parents FeedbackName of the parent : *Name of the Student *Relationship of Parent with Student (Father / Mother) *Academic Year : *The curriculum prescribed by University has been designed to make students industry ready by imparting analytical and reasoning, language and soft skills in addition to technical competencies, as desired by the industry *Excellent (5)Very Good (4)Good (3)Average (2)Poor (1)Holistic development of students is ensured by participation of students in various sports, cultural and co-curricular activities organized throughout the year *Excellent (5)Very Good (4)Good (3)Average (2)Poor (1)Students are sensitized towards cross cutting issued like gender equality, environment and sustainability, ethics and valued etc., through relevant courses in the curriculum as well as through community service / Projects *Excellent (5)Very Good (4)Good (3)Average (2)Poor (1)The academic flexibility embedded in the curriculum provides opportunities to students to pursue their interest by choosing from a vast number of pathways/electives from own area/specialization as well as from other areas. *Excellent (5)Very Good (4)Good (3)Average (2)Poor (1)Courses in the curriculum promote Entrepreneurship and students are encouraged and supported to initiate startups. *Excellent (5)Very Good (4)Good (3)Average (2)Poor (1)The curriculum is outcome based and the expected outcomes, through various courses are attained. *Excellent (5)Very Good (4)Good (3)Average (2)Poor (1) VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: Share and Enjoy !Shares